Why did elon musk deals to take over popular social media platform twitter. We hope this blog will help the learners as well as those candicate who will appear in the boards exams 2024-2025 because we provide here all possible solutions of queries by our users. Why did Elon Musk deals to take over popular social media platform twitter? - Questions Bank (Why did elon musk deals to take over popular social media platform twitter) for Examination Year 2024-2025
Source:www.questionsbanks.com Last updated: 2022-11-01 12:23:10
This question is rising commonly among the people of world as there are a lot of questions that by this great deal how can Elon Musk earns profit. As this known by all now-a-days twitter loosing it's user. It is understood there is some hidden ideas in Elon Musk's mind by which he can implement in 3 to 4 months. This will come soon in light. It is being said Elon Musk will charge for twittes. This is reality that Twitter looses it's large numbers of users all over the world. Heavy tweeters have been in “absolute decline” since the pandemic began, a Twitter researcher wrote in an internal document titled “Where did the Tweeters Go?” Twitter is struggling to keep it's the most important users who are vital force for it's business. Perhaps previously Twiier's age has been going to end but after taking under by Elon Musk it seems that the new era starts. There should not be any daubt Elon Musk is a successful business man and he can come over on many such challanges.
Elon Musk became Twitter’s owner late Thursday this week as his $44 billion deal to take over the company officially closed, marking a new era for one of the world’s the most influential social media platforms. This amount is really big but Elon Musk has been done such many times. Taking risk is his habbits and this all are games of advertisers. Advertisers generally steer clear of controversy or nudity for fear of damaging their brands. Major advertisers including Dyson, PBS Kids, Forbes and such others suspended advertising due to accounts that were soliciting child pornography on Twitter previously, Reuters reported this in September. This is the news that the active English speaking users are in decline.
After taking over the Twitter by Elon Musk in $44 billion, he fires top executives. He became twitter ceo and on 28th October 2022 a twitte appers from Elon Musk twitter handle. The twitte was "the bird is freed". It is seems Mr. Musk is to do something dynamic action. He has suggested that he wants to loosen standards for the policing of harmful content such as misinformation and hate speech. He has also decried so-called censorship by social media companies. It is being seen for many years on social media that a group of twiites have been baned due to complain by another group in this, twitter is ahead. Perhaps this made Mr. Musk hearted and he decides to loose twitter's standards. But in another side twitter will not be free for all, twitter is to start charging verified users monthly fess. Now the name has been the twitter musk a coorelative name famous in the world.
In his words, he wanted to turn twitter into a private company and allow people to speek more freely on service as he states before to loose the standards of twitter. This is short answered question but aim is great. Some people in world take risk for goodness, to buy twitter Elon Musk proved this. This discussion is in the world, the question is rising everywhere. As Tesla Inc boss in usa Mr. Elon Musk said that he will serve as chief executive (CEO) of twitter. Once more he has proved that he takes controversial decission in business, it may be a good examples for business study students or economist. I would like to mention something about Elon Musk is multipotential with multiple skills personality- he is an engineer, a successful investor whose stakes in investments rarely go wrong, a CEO and founder of six triumphant companies, and a visionary man in usa.
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